Wednesday 20 March 2013

Death Metal Logos!

 Recently I was lucky enough to design logos for an up and coming death metal band, Scorched Earth. This was great to do as it was something different for me. Knowing that the band's influences are early metal I'd be great to have the logos that style too. Majority of them are drawn with ink as I thought it would give an older look and not make it so clean and sharp as a vector style would. The band's just told me too that they have already sent them off to get t-shirts done! so will defiantly post up some photos of them!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Gig Flyers!

I've been able to do a lot of flyers recently which is good because I've been able to use recurring themes or go with anything even if it was nothing to do with the band but as long as it stands out and attracts attention. Even though they're temporary it is still great to see them posted up around the city, in the venue and other bands using them to advertise.



Sunday 3 February 2013

Concept Drawing

 Here is a concept drawing I recently did on Illustrator for someone who is building this and wanted to see their ideas before it was complete. I thought a vector image would finish this off well as it would be very defined and show parts the stripes well.

Band Logos

These are the first two logos for my new band, Lace and Whiskey. I thought this time round I'd do just type based logos as I'd have much more freedom in using many illustrations and icons for different purposes when the band is avertised. The inspiration for the logos are 70s/80s hard rock as it is what we love playing.